Saturday, June 23, 2012

Presentation Day!

Michelle: Great presentation about a little boy whom the class has determined he has autism or on the spectrum. She used pic collage and frog pond apps on her IPad. Each of these apps were succussful at allowing him to show his knowledge and to calm down.

Adele: Presentation about a student in grade 5 who has severe behavior problems. Adele introduced the IPad to him. Because of his behavior this was a step by step introduction. So far he has had a more positive attitude towards the I pad.

Heather: A boy in grade 5 who has a learning disability He was reluctant to use the witing programs in the class so she introduced the IPad suing the text to speech feature and typ-o. Her student showed great success! He will move on to middle school using an IPod.

Amy: Tried out three app focusing on the alphabet and letter sounds on a pre-schooler. Like the beginning sounds app!

Shauna: Case study on a 13 year old girl in grade 7.  Introduce different writing apps and text to speech apps but the student was very self consious about standing out in class. Although these apps would be of great help to her she does not want to use it. The ball is in her court and hopefully she will realize its benefits.

Jeff: Presented about a grade twelve student. Used the Inspirtation program to promote writing. The student was very successful using Inspirtation (app) and wrote an amazing piece of writing and was able to pass his course which otherwise he might not have.

Rebecca: Worked with a student who is reading several grade levels below. She used several apps on letter sounds and formation of letters (Pocket Phonics). He did well  with this app. Had good success learning consonant sounds. He did great and experienced lots of success working on the Ipad.

Anne: Presented on a 17 year old who is autistic. He was in elementary school until age 16, and would have stayed there until 21. They moved to NS to get a better education for thier son. The move has taken a toll on the family expecially the student. he has been gradually going to school. Anne intorduced the Ipad to Mom as her son was not ready yet to use it. I think the Ipad would make a huge differnence in this young man's life once introduced.

Alana: Completed a casestudy on Rex who is in fourth grade. He has a very short attention span an had ADHD. Introduced him to many different Assistive Tech apps. Uses his lap top to type and go on several different literacy websites including Into the Book and Tumblebooks.

Jen: Presented on a grad 8 student. He has trouble with organization and beginning and completing tasks. Jen begn him on google calendar which can be accessed from anywhere. She found it had too many options and was not course specific.She tried Soshiku. This worked great. This was the beginning of getting him organized.

Jackie: Focused on three different students of varying needs. She looked at the program Tiny Eye which is an online SLP program. Looked at the Pointer/SmartBoard. Allows students to access the white board. Also focused on Tumblebooks

Amy: Worked with a boy who has mild CP in grade seven. She introduced RAZ Kids. Loved the idea of using the smart board with Raz Kids. He went up by 4 reading levels

Janna:  Completed a case study on a 16 year old girl with ADHD and a verbal learning disability.She attended a learning disability school and did well and now she goes to Sacred Heart.

Jillian: Worked with a grade one student who lives with her grandmother. The apps that Jillian introduced in Toca Boca and book creator. Toca Boca looks great! Her student wrote an amazing stories!

Wow, it was so great hearing about other teachers students! It is interesting how many students have difficulties with writin! As well so many students have anxiety and mental health issues. I really think more should be done to help those students.

Final Thoughts! It was a fabulous course and it makes me exited to be a teacher and try out new things. I am really looking forward to using my classrooms I Pad and LCD screen. I am sure it it going to change the way I teach and my students learn!

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